Copy the contents below into a text file called ''to-apply.txt'' and make sure it is on your VM. &03cd = 0000 &04b0 = 03c0 03cc 22c0 &04b1 = 01f9 0042 &04b2 = 02bf 03c0 03cc 02bd 000d 000e 215f &04b8 = 0000 &04b9 = 0000 &04ba = 0001 &04f8 = 0000 &04f9 = 0001 &0538 = 100b &0539 = 0001 &053a = 0001 &053b = 0000 0000 0000 &053c = 0002 &053d = 0000 &053e = 0002 0001 000a 0008 0010 0008 0020 0008 0040 0004 0080 0002 0140 0001 0200 0002